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Housing & Residence Life

Maintenance and Services


The University’s Physical Plant provides residence hall maintenance. All repair requests must be reported to the Housing Office at 665-6235 or by emailing the Physical Plant at  It is important that you include a complete, specific, accurate description of the necessary repairs. The more specific you are, the faster your repair is likely to be made. Physical Plant and HRL staff will appreciate your patience on repair of non-emergency items. Emergency situations such as no lights or electricity, severe leaks, etc., should be reported immediately to the HRL Office.  After 5 pm, you should contact 665-6155 for assistance. You can email a maintenance request at any time to

As a user, you will have a record of your requested work orders, receive emails concerning the work orders, and receive email notifications when the work orders are completed.

Exterminator Services

All rooms are sprayed periodically by the Physical Plant for insect control. If you have a medical problem which requires special arrangements, please notify the HRL Office. Remember: Bugs love it when you leave empty pizza boxes, drink cans, dirty clothes, and old garbage in your room!  Please report your pest control needs immediately to the HRL Office or


You are responsible for the care and cleanliness of your own room. You may borrow a vacuum cleaner by leaving your UM ID Card with your RA. We encourage you to clean your room regularly in order to maintain the residence halls.

Custodians are responsible for routine cleaning of the hallways, hall bathrooms, and common areas of the building. They are not responsible for cleaning the areas if they have been unreasonably treated (excessive amounts of trash left in the halls or common areas; toilets which have been intentionally stopped up; vomit in the bathrooms; excessive amount of tracked in mud, etc.). It is the responsibility of the residents to keep those areas reasonably clean by cleaning up after themselves. All garbage should be in bags and tied before being placed in the dumpsters. This includes pizza boxes, fast food trash and take out boxes.

The Dining Hall

The Anna Irvin Dining Hall is conveniently located in the center of campus. It offers a wide variety of food options. You can choose an entree, with or without meat, and vegetables; order a burger and fries from the grill; make your own sandwich at the deli; create your own salad at the salad bar; or enjoy pizza and pasta from the pizza bar.

All residents must participate in a residential dining meal plan of their choice, with the exception of non-first year freshmen living in Peck Hall, New Hall, College Creek Apartments and College Park Apartments. Those Peck Hall, New Hall, College Creek Apartment and College Park Apartment residents choosing not to participate in a residential meal plan must purchase the current mandatory commuter meal plan or select from the commuter meal plan options.  There are a number of residential meal plans from which to choose. For more information you can visit

Laundry Rooms

Each residence hall has at least one laundry room equipped with washing machines and dryers.  These machines do not require coins to operate and are for residents’ use only. Do not leave clothes unattended in the laundry room.


Each undergraduate student is assigned a UM Post Office Box for receiving mail. The post office is located on the first floor of Farmer Hall. You should check your box regularly since this is where you will receive all University correspondence.


You are encouraged to use the aluminum can and plain paper recycling bins in the building. Please place only appropriate items in these recycle bins! All other trash should be placed in the designated trash bins outside of your building.

Telephone Service

Public phones with local service are available in each residence hall.


There is no storage available for personal belongings over the summer.  All personals items must be removed and taken home and /or placed in storage off campus.  Personal items can be left in the room over winter and spring breaks.